Thursday, July 26, 2012


PALM BEACH, FL (July 26, 2012) – On Wednesday July 18, local interior designers and related businesses convened at PGA National to unveil their room themes by displaying storyboards for the first KidSanctuary Campus home. The home and its interiors will be complete by late November with a Designer Showcase Open House on December 1-2 at its location at 555 Safe Haven Drive, West Palm Beach, 33411.

KidSanctuary Campus, Inc. is a charitable organization located in Palm Beach County committed to assisting children who have been removed from their home because of neglect and abuse. With land donated by Palm Beach County, and a capital campaign currently in place, the five-acre residential facility broke ground with its first home on October 5, 2011. The J.M. Rubin Foundation has sponsored the first house to be named, The Rubin Cottage.  The second home has been sponsored and the ground breaking is estimated to take place in February, 2013. The second home will be named the Dodero Family Cottage. The capital campaign will continue to raise the necessary funds for the construction of two additional homes and a recreational/ therapy building.
KidSanctuary Campus President, Connie Frankino said, “A roster of our area’s top designers and vendors have come together to offer their services to create a spectacular design showcase that will be a safe haven for children who deserve an environment that is trustworthy, dependable, and reliable. With the construction of the first house nearly complete, we are excited about moving towards the interiors of the home and seeing each of the designer concepts tonight really helped bring the vision to reality. We are thankful for everyone’s philanthropic efforts that will impact so many children for years to come.”

Says Design Chair, Angela Reynolds, “Tonight we had the opportunity to meet and share our vision by displaying concept boards for everyone to see.  It was special to hear the designer’s enthusiasm as they explain how the kids will relate and function in the space.  The designers went that extra mile to create a magical space for the children. The dining room has a Dr. Zuess theme, one of the bedrooms has a modern wooded theme, and the living room was so over the top fabulous. At the reception we realized we had collaborated to create something amazing and we all had goose bumps while we all shared our designs.”

Participating designers include: Angela Reynolds Design, Austin Hancock, Carousel Kitchen and Bath, Cynthia Thomas Interiors, The Fava Design Group, Jack Phillips, JMA Interior Design, JP Interiors - Joseph Pubillones, NGX Studio, Melody Smith, Jacquelyn Armour, The Sunflower room, Chelsea Lane Designs and Home Life Interiors.  Throughout, each designer has been able to work with local and national vendors who have kindly donated items for the house.  Companies offering product and services include: Around the Edge, Artistry Woodcraft/Knapp Kitchens, Brooks Painting, Ceramic Technics/Iris Ceramica, Ferguson, the Glass Tile Store, Haifa General, Max Urban Millwork, Onshore Construction and Design, Porcelanosa,  and Wallpaper by Wendy.

About KidSanctuary Campus, Inc.:
KidSanctuary Campus, Inc is a not for profit organization committed to providing a safe home for abused, abandoned and neglected children in Florida. The mission for Kid Sanctuary Campus, Inc. is to ensure that each child receives the benefits of a sense of belonging and permanency in a caring and positive environment that nurtures self-esteem and hope.

For more information on KidSanctuary or how to donate to KidSanctuary Campus, Inc., please contact Executive Director, Patrick DeSantis at: (561) 653-8274 or by emailing:
If you would like more information on this topic or to schedule an interview, please call Linda Soper at (612) 308.4159 or email:

Photos Courtesy of:  Frehm Photography
Photo: KidSanctuary Campus Design Chairman Angela Reynolds with KidSanctuary President Connie Frankino

Friday, July 13, 2012


PALM BEACH, FL (July 13, 2012) – American veterans from World War II to the present were honored Wednesday night, July 11, 2012 during a fundraiser for The Friends of Fisher House at Taboo Restaurant in Palm Beach. The event, which drew over 400 people, raised over $10,000.00 for the West Palm Beach Fisher House.

Honored guests for the evening included Joseph Dryer, one of the few remaining survivors of the attack on Iwo Jima; Jerold Klein, Friends of Fisher House Treasurer and recipient of the Silver Star for heroism in Vietnam; Daniel R. Baer who served in World War II; Rodman Steele a Vietnam Vet, Desmond Price who was deployed five times, and recently returned from Iraq and Afghanistan, and Ted Task and Frank Hogan who both served as US Marines during the Korean War. Also being honored were veterans: Leo Lezar, Scott Barber, and Patrick Rielly.
Arnold Fisher, the Vice Chairman of the Fisher House Foundation and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Intrepid Museum Foundation, Honorary Chairman of the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund and heads up the Fisher Brothers Annual Scholarship Fund for military children was also on hand to discuss the Fisher House organization and its growth in different markets throughout the U.S. As a member of one of America’s philanthropic and patriotic families who direct most of their charitable work to the men and woman of the United States Military, Arnold Fisher has overseen numerous charitable projects. Most of his dedicated work was through The Intrepid Fallen Hero’s Fund. After recognizing the need to provide specialized rehabilitation services to veterans who are traumatic amputee and burn patients, Mr. Fisher became the driving force behind private donations to build the Center for the Intrepid. He has also been hard at work creating a state-of-the art Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Diagnostic Center in Bethesda, Maryland.

Craig Dickmann and Matt deFalco from Hamilton Jewelers presented a special gift to each of the honored veterans for their service and several Palm Beach boutiques helped sponsor the event with raffle items. Juicy Couture and Sequin Boutique extended their hours to co-host the event, offering their venue for the Black River Caviar reception and impressive Chinese auction. Christofle presented the hard-working volunteers with beautiful sterling silver bookmarks engraved with the American Flag.   Included in the Chinese Auction were Village Camps in Switzerland and a Golf Foursome at the Ritz Carlton Club in Jupiter. Participating Palm Beach organizations and boutiques included: Hamilton Jewelers, The Breakers, Stubbs & Wootton, Christofle, Daniella Ortiz, Key Leaf, Emilio Pucci, Badgley Mischka, Daniella Ortiz, Tito Vodka, Island Company.

Other notables attending included: Congressional Candidate Lois Frankel, South Florida builder/developer/promoter Michael Capponi; President/CEO of Douglas Elliman, Florida, Vanessa Grout; American Le Mans race car driver Jay Cochran and son Rafe Cochran; Food Network Reality Show Personality Josh Lyons, Production and Event Maestro, Bruce Sutka, Television Personality Robert Riva, CBS Technical Correspondent Herb Tabin, HGTV Design Star Celebrity Miera Melba, and Former MGM Actress / Vietnam Radio Personality for troops Chris Noel.

Local movers and shakers included: Philip Nicozisis, Brad Deflin, Carlos Morrison, Lucia Bonavita, Maribel Alvarez, Jim Pappas, Arvo Katajisto, Jeff Koons, Leslie Linder, Ashley McKintosh, Andres Fanjul, Daniel Jennings, Candice Jorritsma, Avery Dimmig, Adam Lipson, Alexis Posada, Pamela Tombari, Marrisa Pepper, Reid Boren, Ronnie and Jennie Hasozbek-Garcia, Diane Weiss, and Diana and Rich Horowitz.

If you would like more information on this topic or to schedule an interview, please call Linda Soper at (612) 308.4159 or email:

About Fisher House:
The Fisher House program is a unique private-public partnership that supports America's service men and women in their time of greatest need.  Families do not pay to stay at Fisher Houses, which serve as a "home away from home" for them while their loved ones are receiving medical care at major military and VA medical centers. 
The program was the brainchild of New York real estate developer and philanthropist Zachary Fisher and his wife Elizabeth who opened the first "Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher House" at the National Naval Medical Center Bethesda, Maryland on 24 June 1990.  There are now over 50 Fisher Houses throughout the United States, and the program is growing every year in response to the needs of veterans and their families.  More than 183,000 days of lodging are provided by Fisher Houses every year. 
The local Fisher House is an eight-bedroom facility situated on the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center campus. It has been in operation since 1995, and has accommodated approximately 10,100 families.  Each guest room has a laptop with Wi-Fi Internet, flat screen TV, and a DVD/VCR player. Families are welcomed to use a fully stocked kitchen to provide for their meals.  The homey living room has an extensive library of books, DVD's and games, and the shaded patio overlooking the quiet lake behind the house provides a much- needed respite for families after caring for their loved ones at the Medical Center.
The Friends of the Fisher House, a charitable corporation recognized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, supports all the needs of the West Palm Beach VA Fisher House. Board members volunteer their time and talents to raise funds for food, supplies and necessary capital improvements. In the words of Board President Joseph A. Tringali, "The expenses of the Board are zero and will remain that way." The Friends of Fisher House have also established a voucher program with selected area hotels to take care of families when Fisher House has no vacancies.
The Friends of Fisher House anticipates the demand for rooms will continue to increase, especially now that the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center has a major cancer treatment facility.  They believe that America owes a debt to its veterans and their families who deserve to be fully supported in their time of need with safe and convenient lodging while in the West Palm Beach area for medical treatment. One Board member summed up our obligation to our veterans with one simple statement – “We have a ‘land of the free’ because of the brave!"
Photos Courtesy of:  Janis Bucher Photography and Michael Price Photography

Monday, July 9, 2012



WHAT: American War Heroes from five wars to be honored – To benefit Friends of Fisher House

WHEN: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

WHERE: Taboo Bistro, 221 Worth Avenue, Palm Beach, FL 33480

WHO: Honored guests for the evening include Joseph Dryer, one of the few remaining survivors of the attack on Iwo Jima; Jerold Klein, Friends of Fisher House Treasurer and recipient of the Silver Star for heroism in Vietnam; Daniel R. Baer who served in World War II; Rodman Steele a Vietnam Vet, Desmond Price who was deployed five times, and recently returned from Iraq and Afghanistan, and Ted Task and Frank Hogan who both served as US Marines during the Korean WarAlso being honored are: Leo Lezar and Patrick Rielly.

Arnold Fisher, the Vice Chairman of Fisher House Foundation will also be in town for the event.  Arnold Fisher is personally responsible for the construction of more than 15 million square feet of space, with many of his accomplishments prominently visible on the Manhattan skyline and cityscape. His most noteworthy buildings include Park Avenue Plaza — 55 East 52nd Street, 299 Park Avenue, 1345 Avenue of the Americas and 605 Third Avenue. He is now Trustee and Executive Committee member of the Intrepid Museum Foundation. He has served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Intrepid Museum Foundation, Honorary Chairman of the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund and heads up the Fisher Brothers Annual Scholarship Fund for military children.

The impressive roster of supporters and celebrity bartenders include: Philanthropists Diana and Llwyd Ecclestone; South Florida builder/developer/promoter Michael Capponi; President/CEO of Douglas Elliman, Vanessa Grout; NFL Hall of Famer Tucker Frederickson; American Le Mans race car driver Jay Cochran; Food Network Reality Show Personality Josh Lyons, Production and Event Maestro, Bruce Sutka, Television Personality Robert Riva, CBS Technical Correspondent Herb Tabin, HGTV Design Star Celebrity Miera Melba, Former MGM Actress / Vietnam Radio Personality for troops Chris Noel, and a host of local movers and shakers including: Philip NicozisisJeff Koons, Brad Deflin, Carlos Morrison, Tommy Morrison, Lucia Bonavita, Maribel Alvarez, Jim Pappas, Arvo Katajisto, Jeff Koons, Leslie Linder, Ashley McKintosh, Andres Fanjul, Daniel Jennings, Candice Jorritsma, Avery Dimmig, Adam Lipson, Lori Stoll, Alexis Posada, Pamela Tombari, Marrisa Pepper, Avery Dimmig, Robert Riva, Reid Boren, Ronnie and Jennie Hasozbek-Garcia, Diana and Rich Horowitz, and Philip Nicozisis.

The Fisher House program is a unique private-public partnership that supports America's service men and women in their 
time of greatest need.  Families do not pay to stay at Fisher Houses, which serve as a "home away from home" for them
while their loved ones are receiving medical care at major military and VA medical centers.The program was the 
brainchild of New York real estate developer and philanthropist Zachary Fisher and his wife Elizabeth who opened the 
first "Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher House" at the National Naval Medical Center Bethesda, Maryland on 24 June 1990.  
There are now over 50 Fisher Houses throughout the United States, and the program is growing every year in response to 
the needs of veterans and their families.  More than 183,000 days of lodging are provided by Fisher Houses every year.

The local Fisher House is an eight-bedroom facility situated on the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center campus. It has 
been in operation since 1995, and has accommodated approximately 10,100 families. The Friends of the Fisher House, a 
charitable corporation recognized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, supports all the needs of the 
West Palm Beach VA Fisher House.

HOW: Minimum suggested donation, $20.00, includes 1 complimentary drink ticket and complimentary hors d’oeuvres.
Patron level donations are $50.00 and include 1 complimentary drink ticket, hors d’oeuvres, unlimited caviar tasting, 
and raffle tickets.

Luxury sponsors include: Hamilton Jewelers, Juicy CoutureSequin BoutiqueThe Breakers, Stubbs & Wootton, Christofle, Key Leaf, Emilio Pucci, Badgley Mischka, Daniella OrtizTito Vodka, and Island  Company.

If you would like more information on this topic or to schedule an interview, please call Linda Soper at (612) 308.4159 or email: